Unreal Fest announcements

Unreal Fest opening session

We were delighted to take part in Unreal Fest 2023, making the journey from France to New Orleans to connect with UEFN professionals. We had the opportunity to showcase our first games release : “Air Ambush” and “Xingu Fortnite projects”. Now, let’s delve deeper into what’s on the horizon for PlayNove’s future endeavors!

Fortnite at the heart of Epic Games expansion

Unreal Fest opening session

The Unreal Fest is an event to celebrate the success harnessing the power of Unreal Engine, from gaming to animation. As a reflection of Fortnite’s success, various sessions were dedicated to Fortnite Creative enterprises, sharing initial achivements and insights gained from experiments with UEFN.

Air Ambush, an exciting experience for Fortnite players

For our first PlayNove’s Original Fortnite game, we wanted to offer players an unparalleled gaming experience. We achieved this by introducing a captivating “Red vs Blue” mechanic within a luxurious aircraft, parked in an realistic airport. In this singular and disctintive environment, two teams face off. Spawned at each and oh the engine, they have to get through the three floors of the plane to engage the battle. Realized by our two main developers Merouane Moktari and Hassan Souleimanov, we set the aesthetics standard to the highest level using UEFN tools. We are confident that this game will find its players, as it connects with the community through the use of the red vs blue codes, creatively adapting it to a never-before-seen game environment within Fortnite. Stay tuned, it is for soon !

Preview of Air Ambush Fortnite experience

Xingu people from Amazonia in a Fortnite venture

Watatakalu on stage to present our Fortnite game